Yup, it happened on Sunday Aug. 12th, 2007 and we could not be happier. Check out the proposal story below. Pictures will be posted soon.

The Proposal Plan
It all started at Cornerstone our Church on that Saturday. We attending a Leadership conference that ended at 12 noon and when it was over we headed to my office where we were surprised by a group of our friends from Joshua. They told us that they wanted to do something special for our anniversary, and so they put together a trip for us. They explained that we are going to be treated to an “Anniversary to Remember” weekend. They handed Bree a clue and explain that we will be given clues all weekend and we are to go where they lead. The first clue was pretty obvious that it was Hume.
They took us outside and we noticed that my dad’s car was mysteriously at Cornerstone and it was already packed and ready to go and decorated with writing that says “Happy Anniversary Pete and Bree” etc. When we arrive at Hume, the message board said “Happy Anniversary Peter and Bree.” and drove right up to a hotel room and they told us that Bree will be staying here with her girlfriends. The room was completely decorated with framed pictures of Bree and I, flowers, food, and chocolate.
That night our clue led to a beautiful serene deck that overlooks a forest canyon where we had very romantic dinner. The deck was surrounded by tiki torches and candles and had just one small table setup for two. We were served 5 star quality spaghetti and salad. Then two of our friends whom are musical artists came out dresses in suits and played beautiful dinner music for us. We danced and talked and just could not believe how in love two could be. To end the dinner, the waiter delivered the next clue and chocolate covered strawberries. The next clue leads us to the snack shop up at Hume and when we arrived we were greeted with a table for two and milkshakes ready for us to enjoy. After a fun time in there we were told that we would be meeting at church the next day. So, Bree and the girls left and had a great night being girls and having fun.
The next morning we went to church and we were given our next clue. It led to a Hume family’s home where they had prepared a BBQ lunch for all of our Joshua friends and family at Hume to celebrate our anniversary. It was a reunion that we have been waiting a long time for and the fellowship could not have been sweeter. Next clue led to a ropes course where we had a blast working through challenge after challenge. Next we were lead to the boat dock on the lake. When we arrived at the dock we found a boat setup with our fishing poles and a picnic basket with some snacks and drinks. We went out and hung out on the lake for a few hours reminisce about our amazing year we had been blessed with. Bree loves fishing and so we also threw the poles in and enjoyed the beautiful weather. In the Basket we will found the next clue which told us to go back and get dressed up for dinner.
That night I went to the hotel to pick Bree up with a rose and let me tell you… You would not believe how good that woman looked. She was just stunning. So, we drove up to the gorgeous Joshua building and we were led up the hill to a plateau overlooking Joshua, the valley of Hume, the Seirra’s that fall in to Kings Canyon. They had a table setup on a dance floor and decorated in the most elegant romantic way. They served us a 5 star dinner of steak and potatos with salad and bread. It was incredible. For dessert they served us an amazing rich chocolate cake with chocolate sauce laced around the plate. After the dessert I asked Bree to exchange our anniversary gifts, but I wanted her to go first. She made me a shirt that said she had designed that said “I survived 1 year” and it was so awesome. When it was my turn I told her that first I wanted to read something from the Word that I felt God had given to me. I read Ephesians 5: 21 – 33 and told her that in the coming years that we need to never forget this and pursue that focus; second to pursuing God. Then she told me that she had just read those same words that same day. So overwhelmed by God’s love we deiced to pray. Bree opened and I closed. We prayed that God would help us to pursue these truths in our relationship and be held accountable. When we closed the prayer, Bree opened her eyes and I was on my knee with the ring. At first she was screaming with disbelief because she thought I would not be getting the ring until September. Then I said “Bree…” and she started crying and pretty much hyper ventilating, after what seemed to be a minutes of overwhelming emotion I was finally able to say, “Bree, I love you and I want to spend a lifetime with you. This box comes with a question… Bree will you marry me?” No sooner that I got the words out she jumped on me and screamed yes as long as she could! I could not of been happier. It was the happiest moment of my life! Then Sara (the photographer taking pictures this whole time) told us to walk over to the edge of the hill. When we got there we saw a crowd of people all cheering for us. Then they all ran up the hill and it was a hug and cry feast to remember.
Later that night Bree’s parents called from Papua New Guinea and Bree was able to share the exciting news! Then we all went back to the Hume family’s home and watched the Meteor shower that night in there Jacuzzi with all of our friends. God completed the evening because in our song that we had since we started dating the chorus says, “the stars would fall for you…” Well they sure did.

The Fray Concert

So as a surprise date, I was able to get my hands on a pair of Fray concert tickets. The Fray is a band that is parallel to bands like Coldplay or Keane but in my opinion, BETTER! What a concert, and what a date!

Click the Video Box below to check out a video from the show!

Camping Season 07

This summer we had two camps to go to. We both went with our Junior Higher’s to Oakbridge, in San Diego, and then Pete went with his Elementary kids to Hartland camp which is near Hume Lake, the next week. Camp is such an amazing opportunity to point kids to Christ, and in such a rough and distracting world we live in, it can also serve as a sanctuary were they can meet Christ even for the first time. However, camp is and will always be a place guaranteed to be fun and for lack of better words… dirty!

Plus Don’t forget Pillow WARS!!!

Congrats Ryan and Connie

This last June we had the privilege to travel up to be apart of Ryan (Bree’s brother) and Connie’s Wedding in Idaho. Idaho and the wedding for that matter was absolutely beautiful with its small town, old country feel. Bree was a bride’s maid and she was stunning beyond belief! What a fun trip that we will not soon forget…

While in Idaho Pete and Sean (Bree’s younger brother) were able to exercise there right to be men and did many Macho manly things like, Shooting 22’s to their hearts extent, Fishing in the mountain streams, hunting with real blow guns and shooting anything that moves with blunt force (no pun intended), Shooting hoop, throwing/kicking the balls around, and BBQed 50 steaks for the rehearsal dinner! Aww the life…

SF with the Trostrud’s

While the Trostrud’s were in the country this summer, they made a trip up to livermore to visit. So, naturally we made sure to get them to San Fran!

Can’t beat that picture huh!?!?

He was quite literally reeling her in…


China Town!!!