Our Updates

Keep up with the ministry!

Communication is VITAL!

We take communication really seriously. We desire that our partners:
1) know what we do.
2) Why we do it and how it connects to the Great Commission.
3) Know how things are going with the ministry, or at least know where to look.

We work toward this in a few ways.
1) We send out Monthly Updates (via email) that offer a snapshot of the ongoings during that month. It also gives highlights on the kingdom work happening with the Ethnos360 missionary families we serve, as well as updates on our family. *These are also available in Podcast form on Spotify or iTunes.
2) We aim to personally connect at least twice a year with all our partners. That may be texts/calls, mailed cards, or small gifts of appreciation.
3) We maintain a private Facebook Group that serves as a community hub to share our updates, events, and prayer requests.
4) All partners will receive a free mailed subscription to Ethnos360 Magazine.

Team Ammerman – Facebook Group (Private)

We maintain a private Facebook Group that serves as a community hub to share our updates, events, and prayer requests. You can find it HERE!

Pete’n’Bree Monthly Updates

If you don’t already receive our Updates, here are links to check out past editions.

You can also signup to automatically receive them in your inbox below.

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